AHU Control and Monitoring System

Opeartion Philosophy

  • This system is used for logging and controlling AHU temperature with 21 CFR compliance.
  • All data related to AHU operations like actual temperature value , actual RH , valve set point ,valve position feedback and AHU on/off status is logged and reports are genrated.
  • All alarms that are generated when temp or RH reaches HiHi or LoLo state are logged and storeed in system.
  • Various reports are genrated and can be printed using printer or cn be exported to PDF for printer later.
System Layout & HMI


  • Alarm generation and logging
  • Daily summarized alarm reports
  • Weekly AHU on/off schedule setting
  • Temperature , humidity graphical analysis


  • PLC – Q-Series
  • SCADA- Ellipse
  • Analog -0-10v
  • Ethernet communication